
Shelfie by Shelfie is a fun book tag created by Beth at Bibliobeth. The idea behind the tag is to share a picture of any shelf of books you would like and answer ten questions about those particular books. Check out her newest Shelfie by Shelfie!


I am sorry this picture is at an odd angle and that part of the spines are covered. I could not resist the book cart craze over on Instagram and had to have one for my very own. This particular style is available at Michael’s, and it is super easy to put together!

***GIVEAWAY***I have three of these books, including An Anonymous Girl, and some bookish goodies up for grabs on my instagram page HERE

And here are the questions!:

1.) Is there any reason for this shelf being organised the way it is or is it purely random?

All the books on the shelf are unread with one exception, Three Things About Elsie, because I am currently reading that one. I had them organized within the shelf by publication date, but I moved them around some for a prettier picture. On second thought, I should have worked on them some more! 😂

2.) Tell us a story about one of the books on this shelf that is special to you i.e. how you got it/ a memory associated with it etc.

When I received a surprise copy of Kate Morton’s The Clockmaker’s Daughter, I had tears in my eyes. She is one of my favorite authors, and if you have not read The Forgotten Garden, do not miss it!

On the flip side, when I found An Anonymous Girl by Sarah Pekkanen and Greer Hendricks in my mail, I ecstatically jumped up and down. Their The Wife Between Us was my favorite thriller last year, so I have been anxiously awaiting their newest release! I hope to read it very soon!

3.) Which book from this shelf would you ditch if you were forced to and why?

I would not ditch any of them. They are all must-reads for me!

4.) Which book from this shelf would you save in an emergency and why?

Probably the Kate Morton, but can’t I save them all? I am that person who carries in all the groceries in one trip, so I believe I could do it! 😊

5.) Which book has been on this shelf for the longest time?

They have all been on the shelf for the same amount of time because I bought the shelf a few days ago, but The Summer I Met Jack arrived roughly five weeks ago, so it has been here the longest.

6.) Which book is the newest addition to this shelf?

Karen White’s The Guests on South Battery is my newest addition! I am participating in a blog tour for that one and cannot wait to read it and share my review.

7.) Which book from this shelf are you most excited to read (or re-read if this is a favourites shelf?)

I am excited for them all, really. It is basically my dream TBR shelf at the moment. I could pick one book one minute and instantly want to change it the next!

8.) If there is an object on this shelf apart from books, tell us the story behind it.

The flowers on top were bought today. Many of the flowers and plants I use in my photos are from my yard, but we have had flooding here the past few days, and these were inspiring in their purple-ness, so here they are. 😃

9.) What does this shelf tell us about you as a reader?

That I need to get busy reading all of these asap! Also, I feel fortunate and humbled to have these books to read and review. If you want to know what I am reading next, here ya go. 💗

10.) Choose other bloggers to tag or choose a free question you make up yourself.

Anyone who wants to do this tag should give it a try. It is so much fun, and Beth is one of the most supportive bloggers around. Thanks, Beth, and thanks to everyone for taking a look at my latest Shelfie! ♥️

Happy Reading! ~ Jennifer THR